
What is a hormone?

A hormone is basically a chemical substance produced either by a gland, a organ or special cells which is carried through the blood stream to regulate various functions of  a human body. Increase or decrease in the level of a hormone can greatly affect a person's health or normal activities. 

What is hCG?

hCG refers to human Chorionic Gonadotropin hormone. When a female egg is fertilized by a male sperm cell following 'sexual intercourse', the 'fertilized egg' moves down the 'fallopian tube' into the 'uterus' within 9 days after fertilization and implants itself to the 'uterine wall'. The 'placenta' starts producing and releasing hCG hormone into blood when an implantation takes place. So, detection of hCG hormone is an wonderful indicator of pregnancy. 

Some hCG gets passed in urine and may be detected by a 'home pregnancy test' kit. hCG  may be detected in blood as early as 6 days after implantation and before the first missed menstrual period. The presence of hCG in blood ensures production of 'progesterone' - a hormone function of which is to keep the body warm
at elevated levels to prevent the pregnant from having a period.

Production of hCG rises steadily during the first 14 to 16 weeks following 'last menstrual period'(LMP) and then starts decreasing gradually. hCG cannot be found in blood soon after the birth of the baby.  hCG is also an indicator of the health of the baby and also indicates if there is any birth defect or not. More hCG is found in blood in case of 'multiple' (twins/triplets) pregnancy. 

There are some tests that measure the exact amount of hCG while some check just its presence. hCG may also be produced by certain types of tumours related to an 'egg' or 'sperm'. When a woman grows abnormal tissues in the uterus, an hCG test indicates if the woman has a 'molar pregnancy' or a cancer in the uterus instead of a normal pregnancy 

A 'molar pregnancy' may be defined as one, where a mass of abnormal placental cell growth takes place in the uterus indicating symptoms of a pregnancy. A hCG test can also establish presence of cancer of the testicles in case of a male.


Endorphins are actually brain chemicals termed as neurotransmitters responsible for transmitting signals within the nervous system. Endorphins in the brain and nervous system affect a person's mood and emotions - happy or unhappy, joyous or depressed. About 20 types of 'endorphins' have been identified in human beings. Endorphins fights stress and pain and make you feel happy and relaxed from within.

Ways to release more endorphins :-

  • Exercise and physical activity release more endorphins in brain. These mood enhancing hormones bind to the brain's natural receptors and make one feel healthy and happy described as a feeling of 'euphoria' after a 'work out' / exercises. Euphoria may be described as an intense and extremely heightened positive sense of joy, happiness and well being. So physical activity is one way to release more endorphins in brain which is very beneficial to health. The hormone also improves the body's insulin action and reverses resistance to insulin thereby improving diabetic condition. Therefore, daily exercise and physical activity are great for health as it enhance endorphins in the body, fights depression and highly improves mood.
  • Relaxation Technique : Another very effective way of increasing endorphins level in the body through improvement mental health by practising relaxation technique. Studies have shown the art of deep breathing, meditation improve mental peace and the feeling of good. The heart is able to pump more oxygen into the system with controlled deep breathing resulting in deep mental peace and increased endorphins in body.


Oxytocin also known as the 'love hormone' is produced in brain by most mammals including human beings. It is also found in men engaged in love making process but pregnant women produce it in large amounts. The release of the hormone by pituitary gland performs two major functions in pregnant women - childbirth and breast feeding. 

Oxytocin increases uterine motility enabling the uterus muscles to contract easily making childbirth smooth during labor and help women to overcome the pain of childbirth. The hormone drastically reduces stress level, anger, confusion and depression. This hormone is released much more during sex, childbirth and breast feeding. Oxytocin helps form a strong bond between the mother and the baby through breast feeding.


Cortisol is a key hormone in a group of steroids referred to as 'glucocorticoids' which is produced by the 'Adrenal' gland. This hormone is produced by our body to enable us combat stress. The more you suffer from stress the more you produce cortisol. Cortisol is responsible for increase in blood sugar, blood pressure while it suppresses the immune system, the body's  protective shield against attack by foreign agents or virus.

When the stress begins norepinephrine tells the body to stop producing 'insulin' to enable you save sufficient level of fast acting glucose ready. Epinephrine relaxes muscles in stomach and intestines and lowers blood flow to these organs. When the stress is over cortisol tells these body to stop producing these hormones(norepinephrine and epinephrine) and resort to digesting regularly.

When your stress and cortisol level are high the body actually resits weight loss. The body comes under the wrong impression that tough times are ahead and might have to starve and starts storing fat you eat daily. Under these circumstances what cortisol does is to take fats from other areas of your body such as butt and hips and store them in the middle part of your body.  


Estrogen is an important hormone for both men and women. This hormone is responsible for developing a girl into a full grown woman. It causes growth of breasts, growth of hair in underarms and pubic areas and beginning menstruation cycle. Estrogen continues to control the menstruation cycle, ensures bone health and and keeps cholesterol under control. The hormone is vital for 'fertility'. 

Estrogen is primarily produced in the ovaries of a woman and adrenal gland also produces small amount of estrogen in case of a man. Levels of estrogen low or high creates a lot of problems for women. When it is low there is the problem of lessening of menstruation and symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes, insomnia. When the level of estrogen is high it may result in obesity, saggy breasts and menstrual changes. 

In case of men low estrogen may lead to belly fat, low libido while high level may lead to growth of breasts and poor erection.


The term is used to refer Progesterone and synthetic steroid hormones with Progesterone like properties. Progestin is another important hormone that regulates various functions during pregnancy. The hormone is produced in the ovaries, the placenta and by the adrenal glands. Progestin prepares the body for conception and pregnancy and plays an important in regulating the monthly menstrual cycle. Progesterone thickens the wall of the uterus so that it can hold a fertilized egg when implanted and allow it to develop. The hormone also inhibits muscular contractions of the uterus to prevent rejection of the implanted fertilized egg. Progesterone also prevents release of further egg during current pregnancy is terminated.  Many oral contraceptives are composed of  synthetic progestin that inhibits egg growth and release by the ovaries thus preventing pregnancy.


Serotonin helps to make us feel relaxed, happy and confident along with other functions such as mood/ behaviour regulator, appetite controller, muscle contraction, sleep, cardiovascular function, memory/learning, temperature regulator. Serotonin is produced by the neurons in the brain and formed by the amino acids called tryptophan. Mental conditions such as anxiety, depression, fear, joy, change of mood depend on this. Lack of serotonin may lead to overeating resulting in obesity. Another important function of serotonin is production of antioxidants. Free radicals that damage cells and is a major cause of ageing is destroyed by antioxidant. Serotonin controls depression and anxiety and lets us relax thus giving us healthy and glowing skin.


L-Citrulline reduces blood lactate concentration and is therefore a energy booster. It eliminates ammonia from the muscle cells and liver. It helps release of 'Nitric Oxide' into blood which is essential for correct opening of blood vessels. It controls essential metabolic functions and strengthens immunity. It helps production of 'arginine' which improves blood flow and removes anxiety. An overdose of L-Citrulline may lead to a number of side effects such as - drop in blood pressure, cardiovascular problem. Besides, L-Citrulline may react with certain types of medicines and may lead to harmful side effects.


Basically testosterone is a male hormone but women also produce it to some extent. It is responsible for development of male sexual characteristics. Testosterone, a kind of androgen, is produced by testicles in cells called the Leydig cells. Men are infertile without normal testosterone level because the production of mature sperm needs testosterone to develop. Apart from development of sexual characteristics i.e. production of sperm, testosterone performs a number of functions such as - production of red blood cell, bone mass, strength of muscles and sex urge.

Lower level of Testosterone may affect men :-

  • Lack of sex urge
  • poor erection
  • Fatigue, depression, frustration, outburst of anger
  • poor and weak muscles
  • lack of masculine hair
  • rough skin
  • abdominal fat and obesity
  • cardiovascular disease
  • diabetes 

Sex Hormone Binding Globulin(SHBG)
Level of all hormones in the body must be to its right proportion. Steroid hormones such as testosterone, progesterone, estrogens, DHEA among others, are fat soluble. Since blood is mostly water, these hormones do not mix well in the blood. The function of SHBG, a protein produced by liver, is to connect with these hormones. The complex resulted from this mix up is water soluble and mixes well in our blood and can move freely in the body. SHBG carries steroid hormones over the entire system. Insulin and liver disorders may reduce production of SHBG by the liver. Poor level of SHBG may lead to sleep apnea. Similarly, a high level of SHBG may cause osteoporosis(a bone disorder). Some birth control pills may increase SHBG level and the blood may become prone to clotting which is highly risky for cardiovascular patients.

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